Thursday, October 29, 2015

Its been a long time!

So... I have been a little M.I.A, if I may say so myself. 

Today, I felt a need to talk about why I've been away for so long. I need to share some things, get them off my chest...vent a little. If you know what I mean?!!!

Doing hair is what comes natural to me, but sometimes I'm just not in the mood to do hair.  I have been doing hair since about age 7 or 8 and I feel at times it takes a toll.  I almost feel like when I do hair regularly it takes away the fun for me. It starts to feel more like a task or a job.  See, I work a full-time job, Monday- Friday and during the week after work or on some weekends, I also do natural hair. I really love it. I enjoy the different textures, curl patterns, style possibilities, making my own products, and the people. But, after a period it starts to get to me.  Not, really sure I have the right word to use to explain the dilemma, but there is definitely a dilemma that I want to be able to push pass.

This talent and gift I have is it necessarily my purpose?  At times it feels like it is and other times I'm not too sure.  I've also come to the understanding that it may just be my vehicle to my higher purpose...
Either way, I know I'm blessed by the best. I will always do hair,  just not sure to what capacity. So,  for now I'll just go with the flow and see where it leads me.  Thanks for listening, fam ;)

Love, peace, and joy

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