Be Inspiration!

Hey Fam...  Give a inspirational quote, thought, poem, word, shout out, or prayer to our youth.

Inspire them to be inspiration to another youth or anyone for that matter. 

Remind them to..."Be Inspiration Kids" !!!


  1. Just giving love to my little cousin who I admire very much. At age 16, I was nowhere near as responsible as she is today. She is such a joy to be around, to kick it with. Shes an inspiration to all her friends. Her mom did an excellent job with her. So... I'm sending out a health and wellness prayer request for her!!! Asking the Almighty to keep her covered with with the blood of the Messiah. Thank you, Father.Amen.

    Love you, Cuz

  2. Inspiration often comes in the form of pictures, thoughts, words, nature, music, etc...
    My inspiration came today, in the form of a long-time, dear friend & her ABSOLUTE love for Christ. God is so awesome for allowing us to cross paths again via telephone. I am grateful.

    Check her out & all her consulting firm has to offer, today.

  3. Just wanna say I'm so proud of my sister best friends forever ,you are making your dreams come true!! I love u.. just think and continue to be the person u are more good positive things will continue to.come your way.dont forget I was us first person that u did hair on what would I have done without you growing up?! I've watched us grow from teens to mothers and wives and may not talk every day but when we do its like we never skipped a beat ,continue to push forward and I will always be on your side being your best cheerleader to cheer u on to greatness I love suga pie
